Fragile X Syndrome (FXS) is a genetic neurological disorder caused by a mutation on the X linked chromosome. Approximately 1 in 7000 males and 1 in 11,000 females are affected with FXS. Fragile X is associated with a range of developmental problems, such as learning disabilities, cognitive impairments, mood instability, compulsive disorders and sensory hypersensitivity. Many children also exhibit autism spectrum symptoms such a poor eye contract, shyness and hand-flapping.
Caring for a loved one with cognitive and behavioural issues can be taxing. Parents of Autistic and Fragile X loved ones need more support as day to day life is not easy. What options do you have when the conventional therapies don’t work? If you had an opportunity for a new breakthrough therapy that could change your day to day difficulties for you andyour loved one would you take it?
Eligible participants will need to be:
Adults diagnosed with Fragile X Syndrome
Willing to take microdoses of Psilocybin.
Ability to swallow tablets/Capsules.
Relatively Healthy Individual
Interested in helping to advance Fragile X Syndrome treatments
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Often Austism or Spectrum disorders when there is a history of family members also being diagnosed by be genetically linked and could be Fragile X. Have you been explored the possibility of your family member having Fragile X? There are genetic blood tests that can be done to figure this out.